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3.) Are aluminum windows allowed in Florida?

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The state of Florida has lot of storms and hurricanes. June to November is hurricane season, and as you know, strong winds, and hail can easily damage your windows. That’s why today we will talk about the choice of storm windows and hurricane resistant windows that can withstand these types of bad weather, as well as which storm windows Florida permits for the state. We will also talk about, which storm windows will protect you and your family best.

An article online suggests Fiberglass and Vinyl windows – tend to be better windows over aluminum ones for storms. It is true that these windows require less maintenance and offers strength as well as energy efficiency. Also, they can last many years, while the other choices offer way less years. But please don’t forget, Fiberglass and Vinyl can be much more expensive if you repair and renovate it. It is not as long lifespan as aluminum windows. Aluminum windows is metal windows that withstand storms much better than fiberglass and vinyl windows. It is kind of investment to your residential or commercial buildings lasting for decades and also is value added product though it is more expensive than plastic windows.

Either one is ok for your choice. You could find all types of windows from BNG and the windows meets North America Nafs and NFRC standards and Florida Hurricane window Dade criteria. Beijing North Tech Windows provides a wide range of aluminum windows that suit to you needs. Some of them are Dade certified windows.

Post time: Jun-22-2022

Beijing North Tech Windows, devoting to digital technology and scientific researches, is a systematic manufacturer of high-quality aluminum products.

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